Product Name: Storm Match Pearl Bowling Ball 14# deals NIB
Offered: Storm Match Pearl Bowling Ball 14# NIB Unused, undrilled, OEM, 1st Quality, 14#. From a pet-free smoke-free, pest-free, air-filtered environment. Match Pearl Specs Ball QualitytFirst Quality Ball ColortRed/Burnt Orange Coverstock NametReactor Pearl Reactivet CoverstocktPearl Reactive Factory Finisht1500-Grit Polished FinishtPolished FragrancetCider Donut Lane ConditiontMedium-Dry Breakpoint ShapetAdded Length and Angularity Core TypetSymmetric Core NametStinger RGt2.55 Differentialt0.030 Durometert73-75 Rex D-scale Flare Potentialt3-4" (Medium)t Storm Product LinetHott Performance deals [4/10]'s Perfect Scale Hook Ratingt177.9t This ball is Impossible to find new and undrilled. Price is subject to change without notice. Ths ball may be withdrawn at any time. Ready to Strike!! ~Xmplar.